Sunday, June 03, 2012

The Peculiar Memories Of Thomas Penman - Bruce Robinson

This was a tough decision to either forge ahead and finish or abandon it (which is what I did).

Part of my hesitancy to finish was Robinson's style (it's not unfair to label it a little obtuse), fascination with the mundane details and, well, frankly, not understanding the British place names, etc (shame on me for letting that be a factor).

I put this on my "to reread" shelf because after I turned the book back into the library, I am still thinking about it and maybe regretting not pushing through. It certainly has some charm, isn't horribly long and I'm experiencing some regret.

On the other hand, there are way too many books out there and life is short.

If you're reading this in an attempt to decide whether or not to read it, please, give it a shot. I'm very much on the fence and didn't give it a full read.

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